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Welcome to Christian Magicians UK

Christian Magicians UK are a group of Christian entertainers, who use their performing skills to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ.  The tricks that are performed are either used as “visual aids” (for example escaping from a pair of handcuffs and talking about how “Christ has set us free” – Galatians 5v1), or simply to attract and engage an audience. We would never claim to have ‘special powers’. It is just used an effective method of presenting the Gospel in a clear and memorable way.

Take a look at what we offer below...   Join Us Today

Recent Blogs
Recent Blogs for Members Only

CMUK Conference Feb 2025

Another amazing conference and the feedback has been amazing. Thank you to everybody who helped and participated. The conference is a four day event that is full of ideas and training you can use in your ministry. With worship and full show for you to enjoy at the start and end of each day.

Helena Anestrand (pictured) won the conference stage magician award, it was the first time Helena had performed for us and was well deserved. Julie Hodson won the open mic award for her first ever presentation and Bron Ivy, Mark Burgess and Tony Maidment won conference awards.

Want to join us at our 2026 conference? then visit our Conference 2026 page

Training Days

Come and join in our training days. We run three or four each year around the country. We are finalising dates right now so watch this space

These days are designed for absolute beginners through to those more experienced in magic or performance. Get instruction from professional magicians on the day including members of the world famous Magic Circle.

Want to become a member? Membership gives you access to...

The Clubhouse

Our members only monthly zoom meeting with like minded performers, fellowship and sharing of tips and teaching.

Plus we have guest speakers who share their tricks, tips and ideas from all around the world.

Voila & Voila Library

Our in-house magazine has just changed to a monthly Blog.

Available to members only this has all the latest news. Back issues can be found in the library. We also have a regular Monthly Treat feature which occasionally has content not available on the website

Video Tutorials and Teaching Libraries

Over 50 Recordings of masterclasses, effects and performance technique. Also access to Peter Gardner's extensive private online library. Many lectures contain several effects and you can keep going back again and again to make sure you get the performance your audience deserve. A fantastic resource for our membership.

TD chat

Next Clubhouse Tuesday 4th March 8pm
"What did you take away from conference"
See Clubhouse page for more details

Old paper versions and the new blog can be found in the Members Only section of the website

Videos and tutorials including PDF's and written articles can be found in the Members Only section of the website

Looking for a Magician?

Looking for a family friendly entertainer for an outreach, youth group or other church event, Welcome to Christian Magicians UK. You can book one of the magicians using our Find a Magician button on the menu. These magicians range from amateurs who just use magic for illustration through to international renowned Magic circle members of the highest professional standard.

The magicians on these pages will do their upmost to make your event truly memorable. Go to our Find a Magician page.

You can Sign up right now using the members sign up on the menu, Benefits and costs are as follows

Join Us Today

Full Membership £35 
Additional Family Membership, (voting rights) £15
Junior Membership (under18), (no voting rights) £15